Patient Support Groups

Support Resources
Midwest Narcolepsy Support Group
Is a Chicago-area support group for persons with narcolepsy, their families, friends, and interested professionals. Often, an invited guest speaker is asked to address the group regarding a relevant topic of interest. The group held their first meeting on August 7, 2008, at Evanston Hospital and continues to meet monthly on the first Saturday of every month, from 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM CST, at Evanston Hospital, 2650 Ridge Ave, Evanston, IL 60201-1718. During the months when the first Saturday falls on a holiday weekend, the group will meet on the second Saturday of that month. The parking structure connected to the hospital is FREE. No reservations for the support meetings are required.
For those who can't join the group in-person, please join in the discussion by phone! There is a conference phone call-in number that is the same for every meeting:
Dial: 1-866-374-5135
Passcode: 7432626 (then press the "#" key to be patched into the meeting)
For more information, an updated meeting schedule, or to be added to the group's contact distribution list, please visit the group's official website: Midwest Narcolepsy Support Group
Support groups outside the Chicago area may be found through the Narcolepsy Network, or by contacting a local sleep center. A listing of accredited sleep centers is maintained for the American Academy of Sleep Medicine.
Midwest Organization of Narcolepsy Support (MOONS) is the official support group for persons with narcolepsy and those close to them living in or near Minnesota and Wisconsin.
Alert, Well and Keeping Energetic (AWAKE)
AWAKE is a mutual-help support group for patients with sleep apnea syndrome, their families and the healthcare community concerned with sleep apnea. Local AWAKE members plan and implement each group's activities so that they meet the needs of the local group. Guest speakers are often invited to address the group. There are currently active AWAKE groups in nearly all 50 states including 9 in Illinois. The American Sleep Apnea Association maintains a listing of local AWAKE support groups.